C3 Congregational Survey
The C3 Project is focused on helping people of all ages discover and live God's callings in their lives. Calling is a central to our lives as Christians. It encompasses:
The C3 Survey is designed to engage adults and young people in reflecting on their faith life and experience of calling. It is organized into three parts: 1. Personal Faith Life, 2. Personal Experience of God's Calling, and 3. How the Church Supports People's Callings. It is being conducted at the beginning of a church's implement of C3 projects (Fall 2018 and Winter 2019) to develop a profile of the adults and young people at the beginning of the C3 implementation in a congregation. It will be conducted a second time in the Fall of 2020 after two years of implementing projects and initiatives on calling to explore growth how people have grown in faith and in discovering and living living their callings. Vibrant Faith is using SurveyMonkey for the C3 survey and individual church program evaluations. Each congregation receives a specialized URL for the C3 survey and for each program evaluation. Copies of both C3 surveys are below. |
C3 Evaluations
Vibrant Faith is creating specialized C3 Program Evaluations for churches.
The Stories We Live Evaluation Form is designed for all churches who are conducting programming based on The Stories We Live book by Kathleen Cahalan (Eerdmans, 2017). (The eight adult program sessions can be found in the Adult section of the website.) Churches use the evaluation at the conclusion of the program. It has two sections: 1. Your Understanding of Calling Before the Program, and 2. You Understanding of Calling At the Conclusion. Vibrant Faith also created an evaluation guide that churches can use to create their own evaluation tools. A copy of the Stories We Live evaluation form and the evaluation guide is below. |
Presenting C3 to the Congregation
Video: God's Plan, Your Story - St. Anthony on the Lake, Pewaukee WI
God's Plan, Your Story: www.stanthony.cc/gods-plan
Presentation on Calling - Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River NJ
Video Introduction to Calling - First UMC, Lakeland FL